Dec 24, 2011

what i am doing during christmas

well, not exactly christmas but, christmas eve

1. went to volunteer work center and made cake&cookies for my family
2. see snow
3. step on snow
4. take the subway and the bus
5. go to the kyobo bookstore in kangnam, seoul
6. lost my way to the bookstore
7. lost my way from the bookstore to home
8. went to my aunt's home
9. made cake&cookies (chocolate chip, cranberries)&weird but cute looking bread with my cousins and my family
10. feel the love from all of my family members
11. went to the spa
12. buy a beauty/fashion book that i wanted for quite a long time
13. hating the book that i bought - dont judge a book by its cover
14. starve myself until six (afternoon)
15. stuff myself with cookies after six

Nov 29, 2011

my highschool

most of these pictures are taken by my friend who has an awesome camera. (i only take pictures with my iphone :/ ) beautiful, isn't it? i will, someday, post pictures of me and my friends and other students in our school (maybe after graduation haha ) 

so this is our school's name! "Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies" when it is translated into Korean, it becomes much much longer: "한국 외국어대학교 부속 용인 외국어 고등학교" impressive, huh? 
its called "Academy of Foreign Studies" ... because we learn a lot of foreign languages? i guess? its one of the most prestigious schools in Korea and thousands of Korean students are obsessed to get accepted here. seriously, i dont really understand them. but then, i guess i were too back then. 

our school is quite big. the dome looking thing at the left side is our school cafeteria. and the building behind it is our main building where all the classrooms are. We've got like additional three main buildings looking just like that in our campus. 

the sky is really beautiful, isnt it? because our school is located in the countryside of Korea we are surrounded by mother nature all the time unlike most of the parts of the nation. that is one of the things that i really like about our school. it's so eco-friendly-ish. one of the hottest trend of the 21st century LOL 

that was when we had a school concert and that is a picture of our school choir, which i am in. 

Korean highschools are notorious for its bad quality of food in school cafeterias. Our school, on the other hand, provides the best quality of food! it is even better than my mom's! It's because our school is an extremely private prep school and we spend serious amount of money into tuition each year. i guess we deserve it. 

kind of like american school's. yeah i know, they serve in weird plates. I sometimes feel like im in jail. :/

this is our school's gym. its quite big even compared to those in America or Canada.

so this picture is kinda personal, i guess, compared to other pictures. this is one of my favorites - its a picture of my homeroom class. We are in the same class for whole three years. (Korean highschools only have three years and their semester system is quite different from those in America) We are practically family! Actually, we spend more hours together than we do with our families.

i will keep updating/editing this post so ... just thought i should let you guys know 

Nov 27, 2011


apart from the academics, there are several problems in my life regarding relationships.

so i have this group of friends, "b.f.f."s, in my class who does everything together. (so as they say.) personally, even though i, most of the times, have great fun with them (dont get me wrong), i sometimes feel our friendship is superficial and just... not genuine. whenever one of the friends has a huge event or a happening, she tags along only the one whom she is really really close with and just keep it a secret among us. or if she has a secret, she would always leave out someone and make that person upset. whenever there is a competition, some gets left out of the whole project and gets hurt. however, as all of you know, secrets are bound to leak out. every time when that happened or something very close to that, i just tried to ignore it and remain calm and indifferent. the truth is, i was enraged, disappointed, and felt betrayed. i still am. but i have to act cool and satisfied with our seemingly friendship for the sake of maintaining the fake friendship. because of this, even though i have my "best friends", i always feel alone. especially times when i am stressed out or just depressed and melancholy. i have no one to talk to about my sincere thoughts.

when i was in middle school or elementary, living in Canada, i would have a group of buddies who did everything together. when i say everything, i sincerely mean, everything. we would always share secrets and tell each other what happened during the day. we would call each other at night, have endless sleepovers, gossip about other people in school, tell funny jokes... and was never afraid that i will be left out or betrayed. 

i just feel like the world is shallow and simply untrustful. wow, i finally grew up. 

beautiful paintings

these are a few paintings that are so beautiful that i just had to share. 

rough day, today. and will be until the end of december. ive got sat world history and final exams. Both which i am not prepared for. i feel incredibly guilty right now for posting these paintings while i need to study but i felt obliged. if i didnt post them, then i wouldve felt much more guilty.