May 15, 2012

my ultimate favorite: MULAN

its been sooooo long since ive posted anything! i am so sorry! i was busy blogging my farm blog (please check out: - organic farming is pretty IN right now! the hottest trend! woohooo! anyways, i came back with my ultimate favorite animation movie, MULAN! seriously, how can you not love this movie? Because i am asian girl and because i have this secret desire to become a warrior someday, i was addicted to this movie since i was in kindergarten! my obsession towards MULAN has been lessening for a few years (partly because i was busy with my schoolwork and everything and partly because ive grown this new obsession towards action/superhero movies) but then i accidentally clicked on Mulan's 'Reflection' video on YouTube recently and i have been crazy with Mulan once again. Enjoy! 

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